Ensō Foresight 2021 | NTT DATA

Di, 06 Juli 2021 - 4 Minuten

Ensō Foresight 2021

Start to build your company’s future now!

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"If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading”

But to remain a profitable and sustainable business, which direction should you take? Set your course to your desired future with one of our foresight formats, that we have developed in our co-creation and innovation space “Ensō – The Space for Creators”.

Ensō Foresight Workshop - MICRO
Spend half a day with us and let us dive deep into 1-2 selected foresight topics, full of interesting insights, interactive parts and great discussions.

Ensō Foresight Workshop - MEGA
In one full day, we will deep dive into 4-5 selected foresight topics, make the topics tangible by showing live demos and give you some tips on experimenting with latest technology on your own. In several interactive sessions, we will work together on tackling challenges and creating solutions that work first time.

Ensō Foresight Workshop - GIGA
If you spend two days with us, you will gain insights into the future of society, generating an understanding of your future customers. Using a human-centered design approach, you will build visions for your products and services while getting to know relevant technology by trying out demos in a “Tech Fun Fair”.

Ensō Foresight Keynote
With a keynote speech, we can give many people new insights and impulses to use in a short amount of time. Using stunning presentations and high-quality visualizations, we make it easy for people to follow and to keep the key aspects in their minds during their daily life.

Weitere Insights


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Künstliche Intelligenz

Generative AI Customer Experience: Vom Schlagwort zum Schlüsselfaktor

Entdecken Sie die 5 wichtigsten Einsatzfelder von generativer AI in Customer Experience. Praxisnahe Einblicke und Strategien zur Implementierung für messbaren Geschäftserfolg und Kundenloyalität.


Auf dem Weg zu smarten Gesellschaften mit dem IOWN-Konzept

Von Oliver Köth, Chief Technology Officer, NTT DATA DACH