Returning to our values in a time of crisis | NTT DATA

Mo, 18 Mai 2020 - 42 Minuten

Returning to our values in a time of crisis

Companies face unimaginable pressures and disruption to their ways of working

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The dramatic spread of coronavirus across Europe has disrupted lives, livelihoods, communities and businesses.

Months into the pandemic, the continent is still buzzing with uncertainty and questions. At NTT DATA, it is critical that we act and react robustly to support our clients, our own people, and wider society. We have based our actions to date on our core values, and we will continue to do so through the crisis.

‘Clients first’ is one of these guiding values. In Chapter 1, we explore how we have adapted to supporting our clients through this difficult time. Across all of our industries, including the four sectors highlighted in Chapter 4, we are ensuring that remote work proves no barrier to our work. As clients navigate this rapidly changing business environment, we remain dedicated to providing strategic yet practical advice, from blueprint to delivery and beyond.

Our ability to work effectively at this time owes much to our emphasis on ‘teamwork’ - another of NTT DATA’s central values, and the subject of Chapter 2. We have taken great strides to ensure our people are safe and cared for through the crisis. The way we manage, message and work together has evolved and will go on evolving as the situation across Europe develops.

Our third value, ‘Foresight’, is the focus of Chapter 3. Innovation and forward-thinking are fundamental to success in the midst of the pandemic and in its wake. In this Chapter we touch on some of the human and technological transformations catalysed by the virus.

During this challenging time, we hope that NTT DATA’s experiences and analysis can provide some useful lessons and insights.


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