The “Global One NTT DATA” operation starts at full scale | NTT DATA

Montag, 02. Apr 2012

The “Global One NTT DATA” operation starts at full scale

NTT DATA is conducting the integration and reorganization of global group companies as well as the unification as a single NTT DATA brand with the aim to construct a worldwide support structure to promote global operations, providing local and global customers with access to more services and greater efficiencies as well to strengthen the NTT DATA brand globally.

Group companies in the Americas region have already started their integration into NTT DATA, Inc. in January 2012. Companies in the EMEA region (Europe, Middle East and Africa) are operating since April 1st as NTT DATA EMEA. In the near future, companies in the APAC region (Asia Pacific) will also be reorganized as NTT DATA Asia Pacific. Furthermore, integration in the China region will be strengthened centered in NTT DATA China and NTT DATA China Investment.

On April 1st, in Japan, corporate logo was switched to a newly designed global logo, which is a uniform logo for global NTT DATA brand. With this, in all regions, NTT DATA companies will start operating with a new logo and as a single brand.

With this global integration and reorganization, from this fiscal year, the “Global One NTT DATA” operation starts at a full scale.

Summary of the Integration and Reorganization NTT DATA is going forward in its integration and reorganization process across five regions: Americas, EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa), APAC (Asia and Pacific), China and Japan and a Solution group. NTT DATA aims to construct a worldwide support structure to provide local and global customers with access to more services and greater efficiencies.


In the Americas region, the integration and reorganization of Keane, Intelligroup, MISI, Revere, Vertex and NTT DATA AgileNet companies was finished. In January 2012 NTT DATA, Inc. was established and centered in this company the integration and reorganization process in the region will be completed in April 2012. Using the resources of India and Canada, NTT DATA is able to provide total solutions from the development and management of applications, ERP packages, cloud services, BPO services, to IT consulting, staffing and web development.


In the EMEA region, in March 2012 NTT DATA EMEA Ltd. was established and NTT DATA is moving forward in the integration and reorganization of Cirquent and Value Team as well as some operations of Keane and Intelligroup in this region. From April NTT DATA is also going forward with the integration in each country: Germany, Italy, United Kingdom and others.

With this integration, NTT DATA is able to provide to customers, solutions designed with distinctive features and fulfilling the specific needs. NTT DATA using its local, offshore and near shore capabilities is able to provide business IT consulting, customer management, infrastructure services, IT security, and business intelligence.


In the APAC region, NTT DATA is going forward in the integration and reorganization of the group companies in Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Australia, and India. In the near future these companies will be reorganized, and NTT DATA Asia Pacific will be strengthened as regional headquarter.


In the China region, NTT DATA is going forward with the integration process. NTT DATA (CHINA) Co., Ltd. (NTT DATA China) was merged with Beijing NTT DATA Systems Integration Co., Ltd., and the new entity NTT DATA China has started operating as a core company in China. Also, NTT DATA (CHINA) Investment Co., Ltd. (NTT DATA China Investment) will be established. The objective is to strengthen the brand name in China region, reinforcement of the local business and the purpose to go forward with the implementation of the offshore resources.

Solution group

Some group companies such as itelligence, Extend Technologies, Business Formula, Cornerstone, act as NTT DATA Solution Group and will not belong to any specific region’s operations. The reorganization and brand unification of this Solution Group that will provide solutions globally will be further planned in the near future.

Formation of each region after the integration and reorganization process

Region of Operations

Major Group Companies 
Before Reorganization (*)
Major Group Companies
After Reorganization (**)
Americas Keane
NTT DATA Agile Net
NTT DATA Global Delivery Services
EMEA Cirquent
Value Team
Keane (EMEA base)
Intelligroup (UK, Denmark base)
NTT DATA Deutschland
NTT DATA Italien
APAC NTT DATA Asia Pacific
NTT DATA Thailand
NTT DATA Indonesia
NTT DATA Malaysia
NTT DATA Vietnam
First Apex
NTT DATA Asia Pacific
NTT DATA Thailand
NTT DATA Indonesia
NTT DATA Malaysia
NTT DATA Vietnam
NTTDATA FA Insurance Systems


Beijing NTT DATA

NTT DATA China Investment

(*) Only the representative companies’ names are listed
(**) “After the reorganization” reflects the situation after complete the integration and reorganization process. The time of this integration and reorganization process differs depending on the situation of every region.

Summary of Brand Integration

A newly designed global "NTT DATA" logo is used for group companies as part of this integration and reorganization process, which will allow business to be expanded on a global scale under a common "NTT DATA Brand". On April 1st, the NTT DATA Group companies in Japan region switched the former logo to the new global logo. With this, NTT DATA will promote its achievements and its credibility among its customers as a single and strong “Global One NTT DATA”.