You want more customers to sign up online! | NTT DATA

Mi, 12 Februar 2020 - 10 Minuten

You want more customers to sign up online!

This is how…

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The Customer Journey Funnel

A customer journey is the end-to-end process of a customer looking to meet their needs. It includes all points of interaction between existing or potential customers and a brand, product or service. These touch points must be clearly identifiable so that a strategy and its measures can be derived from them. The focus is to optimise the customer journey, so that the needs of existing or potential customers are fully met, while generating positive experiences. In the end, this approach should lead to customer loyalty.

How can this approach be implemented in practice?

According to the current GDV (Association of Insurers in Germany) sales statistics, almost 20% of all car insurance policies are concluded online.

It is therefore important for insurance providers to take a closer look at this customer journey and to optimise it if necessary.

The Customer Journey progresses through five stages, shown here as the Customer Journey Funnel. At each stage, the insurance provider tries to gain new and retain existing customers. In order to achieve this, each stage must be fully comprehended and measures must be taken to build loyalty, so that customer loss is minimal.

The Customer Journey starts at the Discovery stage, where potential customers explore the brand and its business.
Is the customer aware of your business and credibility through positive experiences?

At the second stage – Advice, potential customers examine the offer and compare similar products.
Is the customer able to access and compare all the relevant and convincing information to consider purchasing your product with minimum effort?

Next, at the Quote stage, customers evaluate the results of the Advice stage.
Is the customer reassured and happy before the final step is taken?

At the Sign-up stage, a potential customer becomes an existing customer by accepting a convincing offer.
Is it easy for the customer to make the purchase on the spot with minimum risk or hassle?

If the customer is enthusiastic about the product, add-ons or other products at the Repeat Purchase stage are made and the insurer is recommended to others.
Is it easy for the customer to modify the product or purchase additional products as required anytime and anywhere?

Accompanying existing or potential customers on their online journey is a challenge that requires a sophisticated user interface and a user experience concept, starting with an attractive website.

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