Enterprise Blockchain Services PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2022 | NTT DATA

Di, 29 März 2022

Enterprise Blockchain Services PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2022

NTT DATA named a Leader

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  • Blockchain technology had been signaling enterprise-readiness and moving beyond the hype phase, where it had captured the attention of visionaries, technologists, governments, and enterprises alike. The pandemic has had a lasting impact on the adoption of blockchain. Enterprises have prioritized high impact use cases of blockchain for adoption during the pandemic, thereby rationalizing the traction and accelerating the usage in value-generating use cases.
  • The market continues to see the movement of Proof of Concepts (PoCs) into the deployment stages. It is increasingly apparent to businesses that blockchain is the technology that can break traditional industry boundaries and unlock shared value. Alongside emerging themes such as multi-party systems and confidential computing, blockchain has the capability to create new ecosystems and subsequent business.
  • Enterprise blockchain technology has presented an opportunity for service providers to reinvent their services delivery model. Considering the nature of technology, it demands an ecosystem play, and thus the role of service providers as orchestrators of business outcomes enabled by digital levers (including blockchain) becomes more prominent.

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Discover NTT DATA's position in Everest Group's PEAK Matrix® for Blockchain Service Providers 2022


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