Cloud transformation roadmap | NTT DATA

Di, 30 Juni 2020 - 36 Minuten

Cloud transformation roadmap

Cloud strategy trends in Europe

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Reasons that push companies towards Cloud transformation programmes

Over the past 2/3 years, European companies in the IT market have accelerated towards the adoption of Cloud services, either relating to infrastructures, platforms or applications. There are many reasons underpinning this trend and all of them involve wide-ranging company requirements.

For example, companies may want to accelerate the adoption of applications or the provisioning of infrastructure elements. Many are also looking to modernise their legacy applications, which are no longer able to meet business requirements. As a further point, it is clearly mandatory for companies to protect business data, which they can do more effectively with the latest tools that are increasingly embedded in Cloud services.

The chart below, which synthesises a number of surveys carried out by NetConsulting cube on samples of large and medium-large sized enterprises, highlights the main reasons that push companies to adopt Cloud services.

The most popular responses are speed of service implementation and the opportunity to benefit from the scalability of resources, closely followed by the availability of continuous updates (avoiding strong efforts on patching), and having up-to-date infrastructures without making (as in the past years) huge investments to refresh components.

Notably, economic aspects are in last position. The reduction of costs, after being for many years one of the main drivers of Cloud migration, currently does not play an important role at all. Companies understand that Cloud migration does not necessarily mean spending less but, in the first instance, providing inhouse services that can meet business requirements.

In conclusion, Cloud transformation cannot be defined by cost elements alone, but by factors that have a positive impact on company profitability.

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